Our “Captains of Conversation” will help navigate the way at the next event. You will find these inspiring speakers at our upcoming retreats.
Navigate with your Peers

Caroline is excited to not only be the official Host, but to also be able to host this event at her house.
More Speaker Info Coming Soon!
Navigate your Start-Up

Caroline will not only be hosting the retreat, she will also be talking about the complete start up process and how best to navigate it!

Dan will also be a co-host of the retreat and will be talking about Sales & Marketing in regards to the start up process.
Navigate as a Couple

Daniel and Caroline are excited to be alongside couples as they navigate the highs and lows of navigating business together. They will be touching on topics to help couples commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship and business challenges. Join our hosts for an experience with a focus on gratitude, building, boundaries, expectations, taking out the trash, and how to navigate for consistency.